
StackSocialで、「Setapp: 1-Yr Subscription」が42%オフの69ドルで販売されています。通常119ドルです。

「Setapp: 1-Yr Subscription」は、通常は有料で販売されている様々なMac用のアプリをサブスクリプションで利用できるサービスです。


Gemini on Setapp | Duplicate file finder
CleanMyMac on Setapp | Mac cleaning and optimization software
Elmedia Player on Setapp | Video player and YouTube downloader
Swift Publisher on Setapp | If you want it published right, you’ve gotta do it yourself
PhotoBulk on Setapp | Batch editing and watermarking for a whole image library
Sip on Setapp | Keep, manage, and share colors with ease
Screens on Setapp | All-pass remote access for Mac
Bartender on Setapp | Organize your menu bar apps
Unclutter on Setapp | One place to store notes, files, and pasteboard clips
TaskPaper on Setapp | A simple to-do list app for Mac
2Do on Setapp | Manage tasks in GTD, XYZ, and everything in between
Marked on Setapp | Powerful markdown previewer for any text markup languages
Hype on Setapp | Animated and interactive HTML5 content
Chronicle on Setapp | Secure, lightweight, and slick bill organizer
Blogo on Setapp | Simple, powerful blog editor
Ulysses on Setapp | Writing app and markdown editor
iThoughtsX on Setapp | Mindmapping for the Mac
Aeon Timeline on Setapp | The visual timeline app
XMind on Setapp | A mind mapping tool for Mac


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