iPhone 15はUSB2.0/Thunderbolt3。iPad Pro/Ultra/Studioの大型モデルは60hz 6K x 2ディスプレイ対応というリーク筋
なんだか、急に出てきたリーク色々。by @analyst941。ほんとかなー。
まずはApple Watch。
Apple Watch can sync across more than one Apple device too, finally. I don’t know how this will be implemented. All I know, again, **ALL** I know, is that Apple Watch will sync across multiple iOS/iPadOS/Mac devices, and will no longer be tied to one single iPhone.
— 941 (@analyst941) April 27, 2023
要約すると、Apple Watchは「複数のiOS/iPadOS/Macデバイスで同期するようになる」というもの。
Seems Wallet will be overhauled too, I honestly expected this to wait for iOS 18 with the banking accounts implementations, but it seems like services, passes, & cards will be separated, and the app itself will have a new layout.
It’s definitely not going to be as simplified.
— 941 (@analyst941) April 27, 2023
次にiPhone 15について。
I haven’t heard anything in regards to standard 15’s so looks like it’s gonna be USB 2.0 standard.
Again, pros are Thunderbolt 3.
Apple is heavily invested into video recording this year, rather than stills.
Recording Output features,
Focus on importing to workstations
— 941 (@analyst941) April 27, 2023
iPhone 15シリーズはスタンダードがUSB2.0。ProはThunderbolt 3。
新しいシネマトグラフィー機能では、録画中に4K Thunderboltのライブ出力をモニターに出力することができるようになります。
I’ve heard there’s a special version of iPadOS 17, being developed specifically for larger iPad Pro/Ultra/Studio model(s), there’s a slight change that would give the 14.1” model support for up to 2 6K displays at 60hz.
This signals for a definite M3 Pro SoC in the flagship iPad https://t.co/7FcOyaZFdv
— 941 (@analyst941) April 27, 2023
これは、フラッグシップモデルのiPadにM3 Pro SoCが搭載されることを示唆するものです。
14.1インチのiPad Proは良さそうだけど、サイズがどうなるかは気になります。